HOME - Applications- Backshop

  • WantEat Backshop home page
  • Registration form: general information
  • Registration form: photos and logos
  • Registration form: describing products
  • Registration form: product photos and logos
  • A producer's visiting card
  • A producer's personal home page
  • Complete description of a producer's activity
  • The wheel
  • Tag statistics
  • User comments
  • Rating statistics
  • Summary of statistics

WantEat-Backshop is an application we designed for stakeholders in the domain of gastronomy and cultural heritage. It provides two groups of functions: registration of things in the systems and behavior analysis of the registered things.

The registration module allows stakeholders to register themselves and their things as members of our system. For example, a producer can register himself and the cheeses it produces, providing information about them.

The behaviour analysis module of WantEat backshop allows stakeholders to follow and analyse the behavior of the things they registered in the system. Two types of analysis are available:

  • Analytic behavior. A stakeholder can inspect the social network of a thing, discovering who are its friends, accessing the public information of these other items (friends include both people and things) and discovering why and when the friendship was established.
  • Statistics about the thing behavior. Stakeholders can inspect the actions related to their things, such as number of contacts, comments, tags, average rating for each thing. This data is aggregated in different ways, depending on the profiles of the user, the location, time and so on.